Jesus-Centered – We collectively affirm the Apostles Creed and allow other theological positions to remain secondary.

Kingdom Mission Oriented – We elevate the mission of God to inform our identity as missionaries joining in the restoration of all things through the coming Kingdom of God. This includes both the Great Commission and the Great Commandments given to us by Jesus.

Responsive to the Holy Spirit – We consciously depend on the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We listen and respond to the Spirit who is speaking to all followers of Jesus who are intentionally attentive.

Empowering – We empower both women and men as leaders, and seek to advocate for those leading from underrepresented ethnic groups in our cities. We empower various expressions of Jesus-centered churches.

Emotional Health – We value the integration of spiritual and emotional health to produce mature disciples of The Way of Jesus and to foster healthy leaders and thus reduce harm.

Collaborative and Humble – We choose collaboration and reject a spirit of competition in our actions and interactions.

Generosity – We choose to have a posture of abundance and actively resist a scarcity mentality, recognizing that all we have and all that we are is a result of the generosity of God.